Moin👋, ich binIvan.

Einmal im Monat schreibe ich einen praxisorientierten Newsletter zu Produktinnovation, Growth-Strategien & persönlicher Weiterentwicklung. Kein Spam, kein blabla.

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3 verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie ich helfen kann

Ein monatlicher Newsletter & Blogbeitrag
Ich teile Erkenntnisse aus meiner Reise als freiberuflicher Digitalberater. Alles erprobte Methoden. Kein blabla.
Zu meinem Blog
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Praktische Vorlagen und Leitfäden
All die Dinge, die ich früher gerne gehabt hätte. Ich verwende alle Dokumente in meiner eigenen Arbeit.
Projektbezogene Arbeit & Workshops
Ich bin derjenige, an den sie sich wenden, wenn sie ihr digitales Geschäft ausbauen und Produkte auf den Markt bringen wollen.
Zu meinen Leistungen
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Over the past 5 years, I’ve worked with more than 40 companies.


I’ve driven over 2M conversions through content.


Clients have consistently rated me 5/5, except one Steve.

Über mich

Ich habe 3 Unternehmen aufgebaut und geleitet (Agentur- und E-Commerce-Geschäftsmodelle) und helfe nun als freiberuflicher Marketing- und Produktberater Unternehmen, ihr Online-Geschäft auszubauen, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen und die richtigen Prozesse und Strukturen zu etablieren.

Ich teile und schreibe über das, was ich auf diesem Weg lerne. I

m Moment bin ich wahrscheinlich entweder in Hamburg 🇩🇪 oder in Sibenik 🇭🇷

01 of 3

Stellar Website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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02 of 3

Zeal Website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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03 of 3

Rebound Website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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“Wayne is a really talented product designer. He has done great work with us so far and his designs are always innovative, beautiful and user-friendly.”
Aaron Sherman
Sales Associate, Moonshot


Over the past 5 years, I’ve worked with more than 40 companies.


I’ve driven over 2M conversions through content.
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Services to boost your fine journey

Product Discovery
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Product Research
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Product Design
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Product Leadership
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing sedium.

Simple pricing for you.

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Basic Plan
Perfect for small businesses/individuals.
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Pay only for required services.
Customize as your needs.
3 rounds of feedback included.
Chat Suppport.
Premium Plan
For businesses who want something extra!
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All basic plan features.
Unlimited round of edits.
Performance reporting.
Required number of screens.

What people are

saying about us.

Loving his work. He is a pretty good designer, but this thing is gold! It will save me a ton of time coming up with fresh content. I give him some basic ideas and it spits out straight.
Thanks Wayne, keep up the good work! Great job, I will definitely be ordering again!
Wayne is a really talented product designer. He has done great work with us so far and his designs are always innovative, beautiful and user-friendly.
Loving his work. He is a pretty good designer, but this thing is gold! It will save me a ton of time coming up with fresh content. I give him some basic ideas and it spits out straight.
Thanks Wayne, keep up the good work! Great job, I will definitely be ordering again!
Wayne is a really talented product designer. He has done great work with us so far and his designs are always innovative, beautiful and user-friendly.
Wayne is a really talented product designer. He has done great work with us so far and his designs are always innovative, beautiful and user-friendly.
Wayne is a really talented product designer. He has done great work with us so far and his designs are always innovative, beautiful and user-friendly.
I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Wayne. I'm good to go. Thanks to his good skills of design. Thanks Wayne, keep up the good work! Great job, I will definitely be ordering again! Best. Service . Ever!
Wayne is a really talented product designer. He has done great work with us so far and his designs are always innovative, beautiful and user-friendly.
Wayne is a really talented product designer. He has done great work with us so far and his designs are always innovative, beautiful and user-friendly.
I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Wayne. I'm good to go. Thanks to his good skills of design. Thanks Wayne, keep up the good work! Great job, I will definitely be ordering again! Best. Service . Ever!
I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Wayne. I'm good to go. Thanks to his good skills of design. Thanks Wayne, keep up the good work! Great job, I will definitely be ordering again! Best. Service . Ever!
Loving his work. He is a pretty good designer, but this thing is gold! It will save me a ton of time coming up with fresh content. I give him some basic ideas and it spits out straight.
Thanks Wayne, keep up the good work! Great job, I will definitely be ordering again!
I have gotten at least 50 times the value from Wayne. I'm good to go. Thanks to his good skills of design. Thanks Wayne, keep up the good work! Great job, I will definitely be ordering again! Best. Service . Ever!
Loving his work. He is a pretty good designer, but this thing is gold! It will save me a ton of time coming up with fresh content. I give him some basic ideas and it spits out straight.
Thanks Wayne, keep up the good work! Great job, I will definitely be ordering again!

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